I was reading Michelle's blog wondering why it had been so long since she posted, then realized I hadn't posted all month.
It's been a busy month, but I don't really feel like recapping. :-)
If you want to see pictures of Evil Jen and I meeting IRL, go over to ZenKimchi's food journal and scroll down to Cinco de Mayo.
This past Saturday was the annual KOTESOL National Conference. It was in the middle of nowhere, so Seoul chapter provided a bus for members. Stafford and I went down for the day. It was lots of fun. We sat next to different crazy foreigners coming and going, so that was interesting.
I've been feeling kind of ready to move on from my job of late, but I won't be able to get out of my contract, as I had been hoping. Another teacher left at the beginning of the month and another gave notice last week. That's out of four teachers including me. So, I can't leave right now. I'm taking that as a sign that I need to stick to my plan and go home when my contract ends, even though it's not really a good time to be going and looking for work. I suppose I could always work for one of the US branches of my school...
SAT classes start in two weeks, so that will be something different, anyway. Even though they all go to school in the US, so have American teenager attitudes, I like the classes. It's challenging coming up with justifications for crazy English grammar on the fly. :-) It's ten weeks of advanced grammar, so I always learn a lot.
I know there is other stuff going on right now, but it's Monday, so my brain isn't firing on all cylinders yet.
I got an email from my mother this morning letting me know she was out of the hospital and fine, but nobody had told me she was in the hospital. It turns out she broke her ankle in three places and had to get pins and some other metal parts put in her leg and she's in a wheelchair. That must be interesting-- her house is nearly 100 years old and has very narrow hallways and steps at all of the entrances. Not to mention her tub is a claw foot. So, I've got that on my mind, too. Not that there's anything I can do from here...
Is it wrong for me to hope that a lot of my students are away at school camp this week? 'Tis the season, and all.